Josh Butler on the Predict and Prevent Podcast
AI, Computer Vision, Event, Workplace Safety

Josh Butler on the Predict and Prevent Podcast

Tune in to the latest episode of the Predict and Prevent podcast to hear our very own Josh Butler discuss his motivations, the origin story of CompSci[...]

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Computer Vision, Insight, Workplace Safety

Enhancing Forklift Safety with Computer Vision: Addressing Critical Driving Issues

Forklifts are indispensable in various industrial settings, from warehouses to construction sites, where they transport heavy materials over short distances. Despite their utility, forklifts pose significant safety risks if not operated correctly. Operator errors due to poor visibility, incorrect blade positioning, overhead hazards, and the risk of pinning are common issues leading to accidents. Computer […]

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Annoucement, Computer Vision, Workplace Safety

Computer Vision Safety

Computer vision is increasingly being used to enhance workplace safety by identifying potential hazards and improving safety protocols. The Intelligent Safety Platform from CompScience leverages data science to present computer vision “detections” for safety improvements. Learn more about Safety Analytics from the team at CompScience.   Here are the top five approaches for computer vision […]

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Computer Vision, Insight, Workplace Safety

Advancing Safe Driving with Computer Vision Technology

Safe driving is paramount to reducing road accidents, protecting lives, and ensuring the smooth flow of traffic. While traditional methods of promoting road safety have focused on education, enforcement of rules and regulations, and vehicle maintenance, the advent of computer vision technology offers an innovative approach to enhancing driving safety. This technology, capable of processing […]

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Computer Vision, Insight, Workplace Safety

Revolutionizing Safe Lifting and Material Handling with Computer Vision

Injuries resulting from improper lifting and material handling are a significant concern in workplaces across various industries. These injuries not only affect the well-being of employees but also result in considerable downtime and financial losses for companies. Training employees in proper lifting techniques and the safe handling of heavy or awkward objects is crucial. However, […]

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